Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the normal structure and development of teeth and jaw, dental disorders and the treatment of these dental disorders. As a dentist, our goal is to bring you the most beautiful and healthy smile. Orthodontic treatment makes you smile more beautiful. However, orthodontic treatment allows you to have better functioning teeth and jaw joint by correcting the relationship of the teeth with each other.
Crooked teeth need to be corrected both for your health and for your quality of life. While this may be an aesthetic need, it also closely concerns your oral health and eating, drinking, and brushing habits.
Orthodontic treatment is applied during the milk teeth period and the problems that arise due to habits such as thumb sucking and lip biting are eliminated during this period. Orthodontic treatment prevents a permanent disorder in the skeletal structure of the jaw.
Mixed dentition is also covered by orthodontics. During this period, both primary and permanent teeth are present in the mouth. If the milk teeth are lost early and cannot guide the permanent tooth coming from below, space narrowing occurs. Orthodontics is concerned with the elimination of these narrow spaces. At the same time, the development of the jaw continues in this period. The incompatibility between the jaws that occurs as a result of the failure of the development of the lower and upper jaws to occur in harmony with each other is also within the scope of orthodontics.
In the period of permanent teeth, orthodontics deals with the correction of the disorders in the tooth sequences. Treatment of irregularities due to gingival diseases and the treatment of irregularities due to congenitally missing or lost teeth are also included in the scope of orthodontics.
Causes of orthodontic problems can be hereditary or acquired. Habits such as long-term use of pacifiers and bottles, thumb sucking and lip biting cause orthodontic disorders.
While the disorders of the jawbones should be corrected with orthodontic treatment at a very early age, there is time for orthodontic treatment only in cases where the teeth show irregularity. Adults can consult an orthodontist at any age. However, increasing age prolongs orthodontic treatment. Going to an orthodontist at an early age does not mean that treatment will begin immediately. If the child is under the control of the orthodontist, a potential orthodontic problem will be kept under control. Thus, the orthodontist can intervene at the most convenient time.
Age is not a problem in the correction of orthodontic disorders involving only the teeth. From 7 to 70, orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age, as long as the teeth and gums are healthy. However, it is thought that the duration of orthodontic treatment increases as the age increases.
Age is important if there is a defect in the bone structure of the individual; Until puberty, orthodontic treatment should be applied. Because it is not possible to interfere with bone development after the jaw development is completed. For this reason, orthodontic disorders related to the jawbones can only be corrected with surgery at advanced ages.
Orthodontic Treatments in Children
It is very important to follow the dental structure of children for the health of the permanent dentition that will occur in the future. Orthodontic examination in children should be around 6-7 years of age, when the first permanent dentition begins. With the orthodontic examination to be carried out at these ages, both closing problems that may occur in the teeth and skeletal disorders of the jaws are diagnosed. The main purpose of pediatric orthodontic treatment is to eliminate the cause of the orthodontic problem. Sometimes, orthodontic disorders can be stopped by taking simple measures that are easily applied without wearing any wires or bead. If appropriate measures are taken in children, a certain level of improvement in orthodontic problems can be seen.
Orthodontic Treatments in Adults
In childhood, necessary orthodontic treatments may not have been performed for various reasons. There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment, however. Orthodontic treatment can be applied to adults. Crowded teeth and irregular-looking teeth; Besides causing an aesthetically bad appearance, they also cause deterioration of oral health and general health. Straight teeth may deteriorate later due to tooth extraction and gum problems. The movement of the teeth into the gap of the missing teeth can cause our teeth to be spaced or bent. With orthodontic treatment, your oral health can be improved, you can improve your facial appearance and increase your self-confidence.