The thickness of the enamel and dentin layers of deciduous teeth is equal to half the thickness of the enamel and dentin layers of permanent teeth. Also, milk teeth contain more organic matter than permanent teeth. For this reason, milk teeth are more prone to decay than permanent teeth.
Children do not pay attention to oral care as much as adults. It is particularly difficult for a young child to clean the back teeth. Parents should educate their children on the protection and development of oral and dental health, teach the necessary practices to prevent diseases that may occur, and give them behaviors and habits appropriate for this purpose. Children may not notice symptoms such as hot-cold sensitivity and mild pain that can be seen in the early stages of tooth decay. But they realize that by the time severe toothache occurs, it may be too late.
During the first years, the child is mostly breastfed and formulated. The growth and development of the baby is more important for the family at that time. Parents add sugar or honey to milk or formula during sleep or between naps, thinking the baby will be better fed. Also, pacifiers and feeding bottles are dipped in honey or jam and given to the baby. These and similar practices cause bottle bruises in children.
Today, no vaccine or drug has been developed to prevent dental caries. However, there are practices that reduce tooth decay and protect the tooth surface from tooth decay. The first of the applications aiming to reduce the formation of dental caries and to protect the tooth surface from tooth decay is to strengthen the tooth surface by adding fluoride. During tooth formation, fluorine can be added to the enamel structure. This makes the enamel more resistant to acids.
There are two ways of obtaining fluorine. The first is the local application of fluorine. Local fluoride can be applied in two ways. The second is systemic fluoride application.
Professional Fluoride Application: It is applied by the dentist personally. It is carried out by applying some fluorine-containing substances to the teeth.
Self Fluorine Application:
Fluoride-containing toothpastes and mouthwashes can be used.
Another route of fluoride intake is systemic fluoride administration. Systemic fluoridation is achieved by using fluorine tablets or fluoridated drinking water. For systemic fluoridation, a dentist or pediatrician should be consulted.
Another application to reduce the formation of caries in teeth is sealants-fissure sealants. The chewing surfaces of the teeth have indentations called fissures. Tooth brushing may not be effective enough for cracks in the teeth. Tooth decay can be prevented by applying special materials called fissure sealants and closing the cracks. Thanks to the fissure sealant application, bacteria cannot reach the tooth through the fissure sealant, even if they produce acid. Fissure sealant application is very important for preventive dentistry.
Many people ignore milk teeth, thinking that they will somehow change. Until the child reaches the age of 12-13, a total of 20 milk teeth remain to perform certain tasks.
The primary function of milk teeth is to prepare food for digestion. Milk teeth help the development of the jaws by fulfilling the chewing function. The jaws develop in proportion to the work of the masticatory muscles.
Milk teeth protect the underlying permanent tooth germ against external factors such as trauma, which is common in children.
Deciduous teeth have an effect on speech and phonation. Proper development of speech depends on the presence of milk teeth.
Milk teeth protect the space they cover for the permanent teeth that will follow them and guide the permanent teeth as they erupt.
Lastly, primary teeth have an aesthetic function. Teeth contribute greatly to the appearance of a person. When a child is 6-7 years old, it is normal for her to lose her front teeth because she sees it in her friends. However, psychological problems may arise in the early loss of milk teeth.
The milk period and the following mixed tooth period (milk and permanent teeth) correspond to the most active period of development. It is during this period that the adult body is defined. Therefore, milk teeth in these early stages of development are just as important as permanent teeth for adolescents and adults. If milk teeth are not treated, many problems occur.
Even superficial caries on milk teeth threaten adjacent teeth with caries.
If the tooth decay in the milk tooth progresses and reaches the nerve of the tooth, causing inflammation over time, it can affect the permanent teeth